Onshore Service

Special Operations

Fire-Fighting Seasonal fire-fighting capability can be deployed to assist with national or other local assets, providing the specialised assistance required to make the crucial difference. Fixed Wing Medevac Thanks to our partnership with Medilink International Air Ambulance we can deploy our respective aviation & medical expertise to provide medevac solutions to government, regional, industry or [...]
Firefighting volunteers douse the flames on Table Mountain during the summer of 2005.

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No two conflict zones are the same When a territory becomes a conflict zone, normal air transport connectivity cannot function. This is when humanitarian air transport becomes crucial for moving people and supplies to the places that need them most. With our management personnel having on-the-ground experience in such austere environments as Libya, Somalia and [...]
Caravan, Sahara Desert, Douz area, Tunisia

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HEMS & Air Ambulance

Saving lives is in our pedigree. When time is of essence, we can be relied on to provide timely, appropriate and cost-effective rotary or fixed wing solutions. We are approved for the provision of Helicopter Air Ambulance and Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) in accordance with EASA-OPS-SPA-HEMS within Europe and the African Continent. Bespoke Air Ambulance and [...]

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Passenger Transport

Safe, on time and within budget Whether it’s connecting isolated communities, improving residents’ commutes, providing a VIP helicopter service or any other requirement, we have the capability to do the job safely, on time and within budget. Our comprehensive fleet offers immense flexibility and can cater to the needs of individuals and groups whether on- or [...]
Helicopter landing platform on the Lake Como.

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